Katey Yurko

Let's learn! These 5 minerals are some of the coolest

Katey Yurko
Let's learn! These 5 minerals are some of the coolest

When it comes to health– the EARTH is giving us so much of what we need.

Truly it amazes me and I love how life was created for us to get HEALTH from the SOURCE… the earth!

Given that it is Earth Month and I am partnering with Trace Minerals, I wanted to echo their message on how the earth gives us everything we need. They are so big on Earth month so I wanted to weave this into the message before we talk about five minerals the earth gives us (and what we can get in our Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops).

Think about this:

The earth gives us oxygen to oxygenate our body.
The earth gives us sunlight for Vitamin D (basically our immune system)
The earth gives us rain for hydration.
The earth gives us negative ions in our soil/plants. (A body LOVES a good negative charge.)
The earth gives us daytime for productivity.
The earth gives us nighttime for melatonin production.

And the earth gives us MINERALS in way of its lakes and oceans! How beautiful is that!

Trace Mineral Drops

Now you know I’ve been a fan of Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops for over 5 years now. It is far and wide my favorite way of getting in my minerals. It’s most cost effective. It’s the easiest. It makes me feel great. Just some drops daily into my water and I am covered.

Now not only does it cover me for macro minerals, it also covers TONS of micro minerals as well.

Our body NEEDS minerals to function properly. But due to poor soil quality. Leaky guts. Stripped and polluted water. Pregnancy for some…. A lot of us are not getting in our minerals and therefore not feeling our best. We NEED minerals.

Trace Mineral ConcenTrace Drops are a way to replenish and refuel!

5 Minerals the earth gives us that our body needs

Here are five of my favorite minerals that the earth gives us that our body’s need.

1. Magnesium. Magnesium plays a CRITICAL role (like you can NOT ignore this mineral) in supporting numerous biochemical processes essential for human health. Things like energy production and muscle function. You often hear of people suddenly getting enough magnesium, and they start to feel SO much better. Its presence in the Earth's crust and oceans is truly a natural resource and should be a MUST in human health supplementation.

2. Copper. Copper (in my mind) is like a cheerleader- because it helps other minerals in helping YOUR body stay strong and healthy. It's super important for making red blood cells and keeping your immune system in tip-top shape. Cool thing about copper: It naturally occurs in trace amounts in our oceans, where it contributes to marine ecosystems and can be harvested for various purposes like health supplementation! P.S Copper even helps out enzyme activity and connective tissue formation so we could even say it’s good for fascia and collagen!

3. Zinc. Zinc is a super hero mineral! I was once depleted in zinc and it was NOT fun let me tell you. Zinc helps our bodies do all sorts of things like boosting our immune system, keeping our skin glowing, and even helping us SMELL. We can find zinc hanging out in the oceans and guess what? It’s also important for healthy taste buds!

4. Manganese. Manganese is 100% an unsung hero of minerals. It makes sure things are running smoothly in our bodies. Inside us, it's all about keeping our bones strong, our metabolism fired up, and our cute little cells protected from damage! We need that protection! It’s also a superhero when it comes to our brain power, helping with memory and concentration. It really is like a little guardian angel for our cells though and I love that our ocean can supply it.

5. Chromium. Chromium is a total mood booster (most people don’t know that) because it helps keep those happy vibes flowing by way of giving us ENERGY. Not to mention, it's a total champ when it comes to managing our blood sugar levels… which I know so many of us are working on!It's even a secret weapon for our metabolism which makes sense given how it helps with blood sugar levels as well. The ocean has chromium and of course it is a staple in the Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops.

Trace Minerals Drops

Highly recommend getting the 3 month supply (lasts so long) and also getting some of the little doo-dads that you can easily throw in your purse!