Katey YurkoComment

Three bible verses perfect for the hypochondriac cutie

Katey YurkoComment
Three bible verses perfect for the hypochondriac cutie

Hi girls. Love you.

I’m going to be talking about God so if this is not your thing let’s hang out on another article! <3 <3

Like some of you (because you’ve told me via DMs)— I too deal with massive health anxiety from time to time. It suuuuckkks. And I am so sorry if you feel me because worrying about HEALTH is so… scary. I don’t even know how else to put it, but it invites fear. And so I really do feel for those of who us who deal with it sometimes. (And I know some of you deal with it ALL the time— it’s a sliding scale. And it’s never fun nor something we willingly want.)

Me personally: I am consistently doing things for myself that calm health anxiety because I just can’t accept that that amount of worry is my life.

It’s too much. It’s too heavy. And I am meant for joy and hope and bravery. Not fear! (Just as you are meant for the same things.)

One of the number one things God always tells us is “Do not be afraid.” Of course we can can be concerned, but we can’t let it rule and control us. God asks for our worries for a reason— because he knows on our own they can be too much to bear!

So may we leave our worries at Jesus’s feet today.

I know you have your own story. I have mine too. Maybe like me you’ve had some big diagnoses and it changed your life Quite literally made you fearful of something you never used to fear before. Despite whether or not you put loving efforts everyday toward your health (which of course you should.)

But yet— the fear remains. I truly feel you on so many levels.

The main thing that I find calms me IS God. And I invite you to talk to him, knowing that he can give you calmness and peace as well. ! If you haven’t talked to him in awhile, just know that He misses you. A lot! He wants to be there for you. He wants you to live a full life. And he IS the great healer and physician.

Give your worries to Him. (I am giving myself the same talk.)

In the Bible- it stated quite often how keeping our emotional health bright and happy is HEALING to our bodies. I believe it.

When I am choosing happiness, looking for happiness, putting myself in the WAY of happiness- and beauty and joy and pure things- I am healthier.

When I abandon such mindset and I grow icy, judgemental (especially of myself), quick to react, choose to be in bad moods… etc. I become unhealthier.

There is a correlation!

And so—- here are three of my favorite Bible verses to really dig into that span the topic of physical health. Think about what they are about and really think WHY those exact words are chosen.

It’s not a coincidence you are here. <3


Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Timothy 1:7 For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of POWER, love, and self-discipline.

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and HEALING to the bones.