3 FREE Health + Beauty Tips That Can Be Game Changers

3 FREE Health + Beauty Tips That Can Be Game Changers


HOW ARE YOU DOING? I wanted to write out a blog on some practices I've been doing that have made a big difference for me and could possibly for you as well. I'll keep it short because I know we don't have a ton of time and I want to respect your day/night! <3 

So here is my current list-- maybe something relates to you?

1. Practice tongue posture multiple times throughout the day when I am not eating or talking. Holy shit. When I am "on" and doing this regularly I *DO* notice a difference in how sharp my jawline is. Also helps with more efficient breathing which should be the biggest reason we practice it. What you want is your tongue to rest on TOP of your mouth, not on bottom. So you want the tongue at the roof of your mouth, as flat as possible, but NOT pushing the teeth. Immediately you should notice a tightness in the jaw (good hack for photos!) but overtime you should see more results. Can you put a sticky note near your computer to do this while reading emails? Or maybe challenge yourself to do it while on a walk. 

2. Letting my belly "hang out" more often in order to relax the pelvic floor. So many women have pelvic floor issues- a lot of them with a "tight" pelvic floor. Myself-- I am often clenching. My butthole. My vagina. My abs. Haha. From past trauma and also I think something in me still has muscle memory to "suck in" from when I was in high school. There are times we might want our cores engaged, but we often do it way too much! My pelvic floor therapist mentions toddlers running around proudly with their bellies out. Can we do more of that? Do you think you have a tight pelvic floor? Something to consider. Also, a proud belly is great for the nervous system!

3. Double shampooing. This is something I've been doing in my hair growth journey (no longer in my hair LOSS journey-- for now, God willing!) but double shampooing is IT. A lot of us do not do it but shampooing once, then once again... now that is going to leave your scalp WAY happier. If we want hair growth we NEED very clean, healthy follicles! Double shampooing helps a lot with this. Also pro tip-- if in-between washes your scalp gets to the point where it is "itchy" you have taken it too far. That's a lot of build-up and NOT good for the follicle. Don't let it get to that point beauties <3 Any trichologist will agree with this.

Let me know if you already practice any of these!  Lurrrrve you!