For The Absolute Softest Skin Of Your Life (And More): Dry Brushing! + Video

I’ve been dry brushing since my college years. Fell in love the first time I tried it and I’ll never stop.

I’m convinced it gives me overall softer skin than any lotion ever well. It exfoliates VERY effectively.

***Skip all the way down to VIDEO if you want!***

It’s also like a kick in the ass with a shot of energy. You feel this cleansing zippity-buzzy feeling when you do it. I love that feeling. It’s “awakening”… best way I can put it.

It helps debloat. Gets the lymphs moving. The blood flowing more freely. You instantly feel REFRESHED after dry brushing.

Temporarily it plumps up your skin too, so it’s great for concealing cellulite. There are no studies that show it helps cellulite long term but in my PERSONAL opinion, it does help. There are others who agree with that too- just do a little google searchin’!

It’s also great for digestion!

Dry brushing to me is an act of self-care that I truly ENJOY doing. The benefits are great and the act itself just feels soooo good. It’s just as much about wellness as it is about beauty.


So how the heck do you do it?

You strip down before a shower (pretend the pants aren’t there in the above pic, LOL)… you strip down and ON DRY SKIN– start at the feet and do long upward strokes. I do: feet, calves, thighs, booty, stomach, back, hands, arms, chest. I go light on the chest.

Then I shower. After I shower I put on lotion. I swear to G, after a few times of doing this you will notice your skin’s texture will be improved greatly in regards to it’s tone and softness.

Oh– and do you have those red bumps on the back of your arms or on your thighs? That’s called Keratosis pilaris aka KP. (I have it- ugh!!) KP is basically an overproduction of keratin. And while you need to treat that internally -often it has to do with diet- nothing helps more on the OUTSIDE than exfoliation. Dry brushing will soften those areas RIGHT UP. I notice such an improvement, it’s so satisfying. I just can’t say enough good things here!

With dry brushing, it’s best to use natural bristle brushes that are firm. And don’t go over scabs or inflamed skin. And note that everything I write is just my own research and opinion! Do your own research and self assessment. 

As for brushes, ones I’ve gotten in the past and have really liked was: this one with the long handle. And this one with a short handle. Either works. I like them firmer, but there are much softer ones on the market too- although I don’t know if they are AS effective.

I was soooo excited to write this article. I LOVE DRY BRUSHING. So much so that I recommend it to everyone in my life and their mothers… just KNOWING they are going to love it. Of course I wanted to share with you guys!!

If you have any questions feel free to comment, drop me a DM on instagram, email me ( or better yet– drop your Q or opinion in the Violet Fog Nice Girl’s Club group on Facebook! It’s girls ONLY and full of tips and tricks and girl talk!

Who already loves dry brushing?!?