Gua Sha Facial Tutorial
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Gua Sha! The Instant Face Lift ( + Video )

I’m about to show you the most beneficial NATURAL face lifting technique. It helps stimulate COLLAGEN, gets the lymphs moving, firms and also helps to relieve surface level tension. It’s freaking fab-u-lous.

**Skip down to video if you want**

It’s called GUA SHA. It’s facial/neck/chest massage. I *love love love* to do this practice multiple times a week. Not only does it feel good, I genuinely look more refreshed after I do it. More awake. And in those couple of minutes I’ll have also done something nice for my lymph system and circulation overall. Something nice for myself.

Gua Sha is effective. And cool. And luxurious. And we owe everything to ancient Chinese medicine. Over the years the very people who discovered the magic and sacredness of gua sha say the western world has watered it down. So take a moment to really respect this practice if you choose to incorporate it into your life. I highly recommend following people online who are masters of gua sha and buying tools from companies who are part of the very culture that discovered it. If you can’t, it’s okay, we do our best but just wanted to note that this practice has been financially exploited especially in recent years by cultures outside its origin.

I’m not a Gua Sha expert- just a facial massage enthusiast saying how much I love this practice and spreading the word of dedicated self-care!


More info in the video below.

P.S there are Youtube videos out there with people doing this with spoons and also their hands. You can get creative and it still be effective! Personally I like the smoothness and cooling sensation of a gua sha tool. Feels soooo good on the skin. I like to pamper.

The tools I use you can get off Amazon for $17! They are beautiful too. (Not one bit sponsored- one of the best $17 bucks I’ve ever spent!!) <—— I would like to follow my advice and soon upgrade!

The oil I like to use has been my HERO for life: Apricot oil!! But many oils would do. (Personally I think rosehip is too thick for Gua Sha. Also– learn about apricot oil here that’s a whole other hidden beauty gem!)

So here’s how I personally GUA SHA. BTW very important to listen to what I’m saying in the vid and not just watch because there are some parts that really need to be communicated clearly! (Like going SO SO SO DELICATE if you ever swipe down on your face. Like barely even graze it. <— things like that.)

Also- you know my opinion is not a medical nor professional one. Always always do your own research.

ENJOY THIS!! Love you