Ice Bath Pros and Cons. Is it right for you?

Ice Bath Pros and Cons. Is it right for you?

So you're trying to figure out if cold plunges could be good for you. Here's how I might go about it!

***And btw y'all: NOT professional nor medical advice. This is literally just two friends shooting the shit. I need you to understand that.

Okay- So I like ice baths for myself. But I don't like it for every season of life. There are times when I absolutely know that an ice bath would NOT serve me well and there are times when I know that an ice bath would advance my health and mental efforts.

SOOOO. It's not just the question of- Will ice baths benefit you? 

It's more like-- Do you need one in the first place? Is there any reason an ice bath might mess you up right now? THIS is what you need to try to figure out. What is the likelihood an ice bath would be healing for you and not harmful? (For many they are healing, for some they are harmful.)

There are times when I really don't want to do ice baths:

1. If I am already INCREDIBLY stressed the moment before an ice bath. I would never do an ice bath after a fight, or after a time of panic, or in a time of extreme anxiety. I need to be at least somewhat calm and collected. I don't want to add a huge cortisol spike when it's already spiking you feel me? (Some experts disagree on this. Many agree.) Also if you have severe adrenal issues- check with your doc. It could be good for you (if you are starting slow and looking to reduce cortisol spikes in the evening) and it can be harmful. Be intuitive.

2. If I currently have a few major hormones out of whack. (Google your own situation going on and see)

3. Right after I workout. This is NOT when I want to do an ice bath as I don’t want to slow progress from my workout (you want there to be minor inflammation after a workout as the muscles repair. I don’t want ice to stop it.)

4. Other acute scenarios. This is where you'd want to do your research and type in your own situation and what's going on.

THAT SAID ICE BATHS ARE AMAZING. They can be so good for mental strength. They can be great for bringing down inflammation. They've been shown to aid in supporting the immune system. AND they've been shown to increase brown fat which is highly beneficial for the body (vs. white fat.)

It’s also so good for dopamine regulation and could potentially help minimize cortisol spikes in the evening if you were to cold plunge/cold shower more towards the morning.

After an ice bath or ice shower my mind is INSANELY clear. My body feels tighter and I feel lighter on my feet. It's a wonderful practice to do. I do feel it's taught me to breathe through stressful situations instead of panicking and reacting too fast. 

Many experts agree that to reeeeallly reap the FULL benefits you need about 11 minutes a week total of cold exposure. This can be spread out. (However even if you just ice plunge once there are benefits! Like help with dopamine regulation throughout the day and you might feel tighter.)

There are different debates on how cold the temperature must be. A general consensus though- is that it should be cold enough that you are shivering. And yes, unfortunately, submersion in water has been shown to be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy WAY more effective than just experiencing cold air outside. 

Experiencing cold air outside is still good for the body though. Temperature play! Just saying- cold water is really where it's at to truly move the needle.

If you simply cannot do ice baths-- don't worry. There are other therapies that are amazing that you can do for similar effects! Just because everyone is doing ice baths doesn't mean it's the only way to achieve XYZ.

Last thought- there is some debate in Chinese medicine (TCM) about ice baths. Some in favor and other practitioners absolutely not in favor.

Start by trying a quick cold shower!! Or don't. Either way, you'll be good. :) 

<3 Katey