blogKatey Yurko

How to get the most out of big med

blogKatey Yurko
How to get the most out of big med

This article took me a long ass time lol. But it’s probably one of the most important articles I will ever write.

Today we are talking about big medicine aka the western system. Perhaps that is what you trust most. Perhaps, and I assume this scenario is most people here, big med is all you can budget for right now (and be thankful because that's more than most can afford.) Perhaps you’re just like, listen—- I want to do all these alternative healing therapies but it’s just not in the budget yet. And I want to get the most bang for my buck out of what I do have from big med and big insurance.

Girlies. I got you. I care about you and wanted you to have this information.

I have my own tips for you and I’ve gathered tips from other intelligent, giving, AMAZING people (mostly women!) on how to utilize the system so it works better for you and you get the most out of it! WHY NOT?

THIS IS FOR YOU! Study it. Bookmark it. Think about what it means to truly utilize these tips. Some require more effort- but man is it worth it and so empowering!

We are so lucky for big medicine! I very much utilize it myself. But every sector (functional as well) can have its pitfalls.

Here are TONS of tips on getting the most bang for your buck with big med! This NOT MEDICAL NOR PROFESSIONAL advice. Just think of it as an opinion essay. One in which the author is expressing her own tips and also sharing the opinions of other experts.

We will start with my tips and then I will share from others! BTW- Many of these professionals echoed my own tips— meaning that have seen that this can work!

Katey’s Tips

  1. Know exactly what doctor you are dealing with. Who exactly are you seeing? What is their training? You should have an “idea” of what their biases are before the appointment. Are they purely western but have a little functional training slipped in? They may be slightly more open minded. But understand in a western practice they can only practice western therapies! But always worth it to see what you can get out of them. ;)

  2. You need to already have answers ready for their objections. Are they going to tell you it’s likely not Hashimotos or hypothyroidism and you don’t need a full thyroid panel? You are going to need to list out reasons WHY you need a full thyroid panel and not TSH (which is usually only what they first test.) Understand the symptoms behind the ailment you’re dealing with. Would a diagnosis help you? Do you feel it deep in your soul that this is what’s going on with you? Present the symptoms full send. Do NOT hold back. Get your tests!

  3. When you’re explaining your symptoms... Be extremely clear. Don’t be embarrassed and don’t undersell it— your goal is YOU and getting one more piece to the puzzle of your health. Sometimes we minimize. Don’t.

  4. Do research on your insurance. Is it going to cover XYZ? Is it not? Is there a way you can get your insurance to pay? Very likely there could be a way. More tips (THAT ARE GOLD) on this from others below!

  5. If they deny you labwork, ask that they WRITE IT DOWN IN YOUR CHART that they denied you this labwork! This might change their mind. I’ve used this before and it worked for me! Understand you may have to pay more now to get those tests, but weigh out whether or not this is important to you right this moment.

  6. I like planning my big med appointments first thing in the morning OR mid afternoon. I don’t like evening appointments. If that’s all you can do you will be okay. But morning/early afternoon is my favorite time slot. Afternoons are most preferable I think- If I had to pick one. My rationale is that people love it when their day is turned back around. And if you can be that catalyst to turn their day around— they are more likely to give you special attention and interest lol. Ways I might do this: Compliment them (genuinely) on something. This could be anything from “I absolutely love your shoes” to “I am so nervous about this appointment, but your presence instantly brings me a sense of ease. Thank you for that.” OR I will make them feel like what they are doing truly has a purpose (because it does) by saying something like, “I’ve been hurting for years now. I really feel like you guys are going to help me figure this out.” THIS WILL MAKE THEM WANT TO HELP YOU. Do whatever you can to get special attention lol.

  7. Decide if a procedure or testing can be delayed. Sometimes they will want to get you to do testing or treatment right away, lock you in right there on the spot. One, because they do want to make money and two, they probably do think it’s what’s best for you (hopefully.) BUT your health and confidence and peace are number one, so don’t be afraid to say no! Delay things when you can. Some things you will want to/will be able to do on the spot. Some you won’t. But you’re rarely backed into a corner. Take time to research! You can always say, “I want to do more research on this testing before I commit.”


    Y’all are going to pass away haha these are soooo good!

    But can we thank these amazing people for their answers? They knew this would help other people so they dedicated their expertise and knowledge and opinions. YUS.

    This is so good:

    1. USE THIS IF YOU HAVE BAD/ NO INSURANCE! This tip comes from Lindsay, the Founder of SYMBI (my fave tea company rn, Violetfog15 if you wanna try.) Okay she told us this: “This tip is especially crucial if you have bad insurance or no insurance at all. When your doctor’s office, hospital, etc. sends you a bill… request an itemized bill from them so you can see a breakdown of services. They’re legally required to give one to you if you request it! You can look at your pricing and see if it matches up with If the prices are higher you can actually dispute!”

    2. SELF-TEST. You have the ability to do so! This tip comes from Fiona of Thyroid Meals For Her. Fiona told us this: ”I’m a really big fan of doing my own testing. So like Paloma Health, letsgetchecked etc. I like the at-home lab tests. I find it’s cheaper than paying out of pocket (You just need to research what to ask for.)

    3. Understand the DIAGNOSTICS needed for a diagnosis. HOW can they determine you have XYZ? This tip also comes from Fiona! ”I’m always surprised by the number of people who aren’t writing down every test they want. A common example is tsh/thyroid panel. It’s important for patients to know the diagnostic criteria for different conditions. For example PCOS. You don’t have to have cysts on your ovaries to have PCOS. It’s a misleading name. It confuses patients AND doctors. A lot of people don’t get a proper diagnosis nor quality support because they lack the diagnosis. They think they don’t have PCOS because no cysts were discovered or tested for, but everything else is there. They could still have PCOS and not get the diagnosis. Google the diagnostic criteria for XYZ (whatever you are trying to find out) and present that.”

    4. Your HSA/FSA can cover more than you think. This tip is brought to you by Nurse Doza of MSW Lounge in Austin. “Some people with health insurance have health spending accounts provided by their work. HSAs are like cash and can be used for most health and wellness elective services like vitamin IVs, routine lab work, and maintenance chiropractic care.”

    5. Need EXTENSIVE bloodwork? Nurse Doza also says: “I would use your HSA (health spending account) for routine lab work, vitamin IV or supplements. Do this with a Holistic naturopath, chiropractor or nurse practitioner. HSAs are money given by employers to be used for elective health & wellness services.” (Also some practices can give discounts on bloodwork if out of pocket. For instance Nurse Doza’s clinic, MSW Lounge, was just doing 20% off bloodwork.)

    6. Study ONE doctor’s work on GUT HEALTH at a time. Like follow their work via books, IG, podcast etc. YOU CAN LEARN SO MUCH. Unfortunately, long term gut health is not one of the areas of expertise for big med when it comes to your microbiome. The reason I say one at a time is because you’ll get more of a full picture and retain more and make better connections so you can better figure some things out for yourself before you ever get a diagnosis from a functional medicine doctor. Someone I would recommend studying (FOR FREE!) if you have gut issues is Dr. Asia Muhammed. I had her on the Brain Is The New A** podcast. We did an entire episode of things you can do RIGHT NOW for gut health. Before you even step foot in a doctor’s office. Her Instagram provides some of the MOST DETAILED and amazing research and opinions I have seen. If you are only able to see big med doctors and you suspect gut issues, follow her work!

    7. Look back at your history until DAY ONE of your life and focus on these big three first: Mold, antibiotics, and trauma. This tip comes from Dr. Brianna DiOrio, PhD of Integrative Medicine. I interviewed her on Brain Is The New A** and she said anyone can take account of their history and study it. Big three she mentioned- MOLD. Have you ever lived in a moldy place? That could be the root of some of your issues and that’s extremely important to know. (A big med doctor likely wont ask you this.) ANTIBIOTICS. Do you have a history of taking perhaps too many antibiotics? HIGHLY likely you have some gut issues to address. Again, a big med doctor likely won’t ask you this but it is VERY IMPORTANT for you to know. TRAUMA- A dysregulated nervous system can f*ck you up. Big time. There are free tools you can use to get this under control and it can help a LOT.

    8. BARTER. This tip also comes from Dr. Brianna DiOrio. (And I can vouge for this because I’ve done it.) IS there a functional medicine doctor or naturopath you want to see but can’t afford? Sometimes you can trade services: This can be letting them use you as an extensive “use case” for their website. Doctors often need that. You can barter social media services, software services, so much else! You would want to get in touch with either the doctor via email OR the office manager. It is worth a shot! I’ve once done this at a dentist's office in a time of desperation and it worked.

    9. Interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine? If you want that SPECIFIC area of expertise it is best to see an acupuncturist over a chiropractor (who is often functional.) Remember- FSA/HSA can cover these appointments! If you want more functional- go with a chiropractor who practices functional medicine. If you want TCM- Go with an acupuncturist. Submit claims to FSA/HSA after. (This tip also from Dr. Bri!)

    10. Some functional medicine doctors DO TAKE INSURANCE. You just have to dig dig dig to find! They really do exist. This tip comes from ingredient expert Jamie Koll“Look into a functional practitioner or doctor that takes health insurance (they exist, but just require extra digging). Use to call around!”

    11. Run extensive bloodwork through a big med doctor and then bring it to a functional medicine doctor. I can’t believe I forgot to say this one but Jamie Koll reminded me! You can get a SHIT TON of bloodwork ran through big med, then just obtain the copies and see if you can invest in just ONE functional appointment. Because in that appointment they would go over your labwork in the eyes of what is FUNCTIONAL/OPTIMAL, not just what is COMMON (big med.) You can save a lot of money this way.

    12. HOW TO RUN HORMONES WITH BIG MED. Okay big azz shoutout to Jaimee Arroyo (FNP-BC- check out her clinic’s blog) for taking the time to type this out JUST FOR US. Save this image below!!! Now you will know what to ask for and how to do it. BTW Jaimee is one of my FAVORITE PEOPLE to follow. She makes health FUN. Anyway— save what she sent below. It’s gold.